Archive for the ‘Abbey Trippel’ Category


Day #295 – Victory Golden Monkey

October 23, 2011

Rangers tied up the series to make it 2-2. That deserves a treat.

Victory Golden Monkey


This beer is another one from Victory Brewing Company. It is an Abbey Trippel style with a high 9.5% ABV.

This beer pours a clear yellow-gold color with a fizzy white head. The head fizzes up and out fairly quickly which is a bit odd for this style of beer.

The aroma is a mix of banana, clove, spices and alcohol. It’s a higher alcohol beer and you can certainly pick that up on the nose.

The flavor starts as banana and spice but turns into a alcoholic burn towards the finish. It has nice flavor but certainly has a kick.




Day #199 – Maredsous 10 Tripel

July 19, 2011

Well it’s Tuesday, and that means it’s time for my weekly trip to the Ginger Man for their glass night. This is a special week however, especially in the beer world. July 21st is the day Belgium celebrates it’s Independence day. They achieved this independence in 1931 from the Netherlands. Because of this, many beer folk celebrate all week long by enjoying lovely Belgian beers. I unfortunately was out of town this weekend so I missed the beginning of the festivities but I am here now!

Maredsous 10 Trippel

Maredsous makes 3 beers of note, the 6, 8 and 10. I have previously reviewed the 8; today is the 10. This beer is classified as an Abbey Trippel and has an ABV of 10%. (Get it?) I have had this beer numerous times before and for the purposes of today’s blog I will have to refer back to my notes from before. You’ll soon see why.

Holy crap! I can’t remember the last time I saw my usual bar so busy! First off I couldn’t find parking which rarely happens, granted I was 6 minutes later than normal. Then I see the general manager sitting outside the door, that also never happens. She is handing out tickets for the glassware. Need I say it? This never happens. Well she makes eye contact with me, smiles and hands me the last ticket! She said, man I’m glad you got this one. I was just asking my bartenders “Can anyone tell me if Cavie (name was changed to protect the not-so-innocent) is in there already?” How cool is that, that the manager knows me by name? Either it’s cool or I’m here WAY too often. We’ll go with the previous. 😉


Check out this glass! Oh that’s so awesome! I was a little bummed when I heard today was Maredsous night because I already have 2 different chalices from them, but this made it TOTALLY WORTH IT!! It’s made of ceramic, has the name painted on and is completely wicked! I’ve only previously seen these online but now I have one for my own! The only drawback to this is that the glass is opaque and I cannot see the appearance. To my notes I go…

This beer pours a lovely deep reddish-orange hue. It has a decent layer of white foam on top.

Aroma is an assortment of dark fruits. Grapes, plum, maybe sour cherries or bananas. Very lovely. Light Belgian yeast aroma as well.

Flavor is also very fruity. Lots of dark fruit tones with light bread and some sweeter hints of malt and Belgian yeast. This is so good the higher alcohol content could easily catch up with you so I’ll say…be careful.



Day #170 – Real Ale Devils Backbone

June 20, 2011

Day number 3 of Texas beers today! That inadvertently happened; I wasn’t planning on featuring that many Texas beers but I reached in the fridge and that’s what came out. I also started playing a video game today and got sucked into it. I looked down at the clock and realized it’s past 10 and I haven’t even done a blog post for today! Man I’m getting lazy through these summer months. Oh well, I’ll make up for it with a good beer.

Real Ale Devils Backbone


Devils Backbone is a pretty big beer coming out of Real Ale. It is classified as an Abbey Trippel and can hold it’s own at 8.1%. This is one of my favorites from their company and I am looking forward to trying it in a bottle; up until now all they’ve served is on draught.

As you can see this beer pours a very clear light golden to orange color. It actually looks strikingly similar to a premium lager….which has me a little worried. I expected a Trippel to be a little cloudy or thicker than this. White foamy head that fizzes and disappears.

The aroma thankfully is nothing like a lager. It has lots of Belgian yeast and fruity characteristics. Sweet smelling with a bit of grain.

Flavor is sharp fruit, grains and a touch of alcohol. The alcohol can be tasted big time on the finish, and the mouthfeel certainly backs that up. 8.1% and you can feel every percentage point of it. Definitely has a bubble gum/fruity ester flavor to it.  Kinda thin on the mouthfeel after the alcohol sting goes away.  Pretty good though!




Day #86 – Chimay Triple / Blanche (White)

March 28, 2011

Over the next 3 days I have the pleasure of reviewing authentic Trappist beers.  What is a Trappist beer you ask?  In general terms, it is a beer brewed by monks for monks.  The FUBU of beer you could say.

Here are some specifics:

  • Out of the 171 of the world’s Trappist monasteries only 7 produce beer.
  • 6 are from Belgium (Orval, Chimay, Westvleteren, Rochefort, Westmalle and Achel) and one from the Netherlands (Koningshoeven).
  • These monasteries make up the International Trappist Association that monitors and controls what products may carry the name “Trappist”.

For a beer to qualify, it must meet the following criteria: (quoting wikipedia)

  • The beer must be brewed within the walls of a Trappist abbey, by or under control of Trappist monks.
  • The brewery, the choices of brewing, and the commercial orientations must obviously depend on the monastic community.
  • The economic purpose of the brewery must be directed toward assistance and not toward financial profit.

Trappist beers are well regarded among the craft beer community.  In fact, the much debated “Best beer in the world” is brewed at a Trappist monastery,  Westvleteren.  Don’t bother looking for it at your local Kroger.  They only authorize sales of their beer at the brewery itself (in Belgium) and the monastery-owned bar across the street from it.  If you really want to try it you can find bottles of it on ebay, but you’ll pay a bit to get your hands on it!

Chimay Triple / Blanche (White)

The Chimay brewery is located in Baileux, Belgium at the Scourmont Abbey.  It is an authentic Trappist brewery and also produces cheese as well as beer.  They have 3 widely distributed beers that may be found in North Texas, and I will be reviewing all 3.  The street terms for these are Chimay Red, White and Blue.  How very American for a Belgian brewery.  🙂 Speaking of cheese, I think I’ll accompany this beer with a delectable cheese platter.

I’ll be starting with the white beer, which in actuality is an Abbey Trippel.  It rings in at 8% so this is no weakling.  A Trappist beer should always be served out of a Trappist glass, preferably from the brewery its made for.  I have my trusty Chimay goblet here, ready for pouring.

I poured this beer very slowly, so as to leave the yeast sediment in the bottom of the bottle.   I am actually cultivating this yeast for a homebrew beer I am planning on doing later this week.  Even pouring it slowly, the beer still develops a nice frothy white head.  The color starts at a light orange yellow near the stem of the glass and gradually grows to a darker amber color as it nears the head.  Lots of suspended sediment can be seen in this as well.  That is to be expected however.

The aroma is fairly yeasty, with lots of banana and clove esters.  Very much a Belgian fruit aroma.  Sweet notes and fruit are the main things that I can smell for sure.

The flavor is fruity, like sugary fruit snacks that tingle the tongue.  The alcohol levels can certainly be felt through the tingles and it’s overall mouthfeel.  Flavorful and tasty, this starts off well and has a slightly bitter/fruity-dry finish.  Lots of other spicy notes in this, like clove and zesty flavors.  Very nice and better than I remembered.  The best has yet to come however….

Op uw gezondheid!  (cheers in dutch)


Day #22 – Unibroue La Fin Du Monde

January 23, 2011

Unibroue La Fin Du Monde

Day 22 and I am knocking out my foreign beer for the week!

Unibroue is a brewery based out of Chambly, Canada.  (It is pronounced, oo-knee-brew.  Not Uni-brow…)  They have a very distinctive yeasty flavor to all of their beers which lends to a slight fruityness.  The reason for this is that they use their own strain of house yeast in all the beers they brew.  You will notice this in the overt fruit tones in the aroma and flavor.

This beer is classified as an Abbey Trippel and should be served out of a trappist glass or a tulip.  I have selected a Maudite tulip/snifter.  Maudite is another beer from Unibroue.

This beer appears quite cloudy, with a golden color shining through.  The head response is very quick right from the moment of agitation.  I tried to keep most of the cultured yeast out of it but I think that is leading to the cloudiness.

The aroma is very fruity, with a spicy clove like nose and banana.  It is pretty spicy most definitely.  It is quite appealing, with a grainy backbone.

The flavor is spicy as well, with like a earthy ginger flavor.  Fruit also comes through on the palate, and remains till the finish.  There is a bit of alcohol tingle towards the back of the throat with a lingering dryness.  There is also a sweetness that has a soft, floral touch to it.

The alcohol on this is 9%, and it can definitely be felt in a warming fashion.  Thanks Canada!



Day #4 – New Belgium Trippel

January 5, 2011

Today is day 4, and while I can confess to having some apprehension about undertaking this massive project, the positives have already made it worth it.  I have already had several people voice their appreciation and interest in this, which has provided a great deal of motivation to continue.  Thank you for that.

I started off this post writing about craft beer and the current state of the industry.  If you know me at all, you know I am slightly passionate about beer and brewing, and it’s no surprise that my post turned into something much more than a mere introduction to this review.  If you are interested in learning a bit more about craft beer and breweries, I encourage you to check out my previous post “What is Craft Beer?“.

New Belgium Trippel

New Belgium Brewing Company is located in Fort Collins, Colorado and is the 3rd largest craft brewery in America, trailing Boston Beer and Sierra Nevada.  They have an annual production of around half a million barrels and growing.  (I just had a flashback to Flintstones vitamins.  If you know what I’m talking about then you must have been a Flintstones kid.)  You might recognize them from their flagship beer, Fat Tire.  I’m certain I will get around to reviewing Fat Tire eventually, after all I have 361 days left!

The beer I am reviewing today is classified as an Abbey Trippel.  This style originated in the Trappist monasteries of Belgium where the brewers are all monks.  Most of these monasteries only produce enough beer to cover their living expenses and productions costs, making their beer a little more difficult to come by.  I’ll go more in-depth about this when I review an actual Trappist beer.  The New Belgium version is merely representative of the style.  The biggest element here is the use of Belgian yeast, which provide a distinctly fruity aroma and flavor.  It should be served in a Trappist glass or Tulip.  I chose a New Belgium glass which is a mix of a snifter and a Trappist glass.  It is effective for serving this beer.

On to the beer…

As I popped the cap on this beer, I grew a little concerned by the lack of hiss escaping the bottle.  The bottle I had was over-filled, thereby leaving less room at the top for CO2 to carbonate the beer.  To create a decent sized head, I had to agitate the beer quite a bit during the pour, holding the bottle a good 6 inches away from the glass.  This causes a lot of splashing and disturbances that create a nice foamy head.  Don’t be fooled!  A head on beer is absolutely a good thing!  This agitates the beer and releases important aroma compounds that may not otherwise be apparent.  It’s always a good idea to swirl the beer a bit before taking in that all important first sniff.

The beer is a fairly hazy golden-orange color, with a foamy white head.  You can see in this picture just how hazy this beer is.  This is not necessarily a bad thing in a beer as it might be true to the style.

This beer has a fairly pleasant aroma.  As I mentioned before, the Belgian yeast provide a fruity essence to the beer.  This is usually experienced in a banana-like aroma with a sense of cloves as well.  This is the case here, with a spicy element also of coriander and the slightest bit of citric acid.

The flavor has an upfront taste of coriander spice; very earthy and spicy-sweet.  A grainy flavor also comes into play, with a tiny bit of alcohol sting on the back of the palate.  Speaking of which, the ABV of this beer is 7.8%.  You cannot taste the alcohol in this as it is masked by the fruit and spice notes, but it can be felt on the finish.

This is a decent attempt at the Trippel style, but it doesn’t even come close to the true Trappist beers of Belgium.  I will review those at a later date.