Archive for November, 2011


Day #333 – Saint Arnold Sailing Santa

November 30, 2011

Saint Arnold came out with this new beer this season, bottled in a 22 oz bomber. I believe Saint Arnold gained the capability to do 22 oz bombers when they moved into their new location recently. I also want to say this is the first bomber I’ve seen from them. I could be wrong though.

Saint Arnold Sailing Santa


This beer is described as a perfect blend of their Elissa IPA and Christmas Ale.

Bottle from Central Market. This beer pours a clear copper color with a fair foamy white head.

The aroma is hoppy but only slightly so. It also has some malty, woody notes that smells like wet wood.

The flavor is semi-sweet and lightly hopped, but this ends up being a watered down version of a nice IPA.




Day #332 – Clown Shoes Clementine

November 29, 2011

Clown Shoes Clementine

As I mentioned in a previous post, Clown Shoes brewery very recently broke into the north Texas market, so there are plenty of things out there that are new to try.

This is their Belgian Witbier that holds 6% ABV.


On the plus side there is a brand new beer bar that opened up in Arlington; World of Beer. This is a chain that started in Florida. They just opened their first location in Texas and DFW got it! I liked it for what it’s worth, but the clientele isn’t really my crowd. I’m not going to get in specifics about it but it’s just a different crowd. Anyways on to the beer.

Pours a cloudy orange color with a light ring of white head.

Aroma is definitely a Witbier. Orange peel, some pepper and spIce.

Dry flavor that has a touch of coriander, grains with a light finish. Not bad. Very straightforward Witbier but that makes it good!


Day #331 – Samuel Smiths Winter Welcome Ale

November 28, 2011

Samuel Smiths Winter Welcome Ale


I don’t think I’ve reviewed a beer from Samuel Smith in quite awhile, maybe not since the very beginning! Anyways, it’s time for another. This beer is their seasonal release, an English Strong Ale at 6%.

This beer pours a clear copper color with a light ring of foamy head.

There is a strong syrupy aroma here that mixes with some honey notes and grains. There is also a fairly bready aroma as well.

Flavor is sweet with honey notes again, with sharp bitter bread. The alcohol can also be felt and tasted. Much better than the first time I tried this.




Day #330 – Pyramid Snow Cap Ale

November 27, 2011

I apologize if some of my posts have been rather lackluster recently. I can admit that I am certainly running out of steam, but I am never one to quit on a project so I will see this thing through to the end by God! My life has certainly changed a lot since starting this project, and the free time I used to have to be able to focus on this has switched to other priorities. Oh well, such is life.

Pyramid Snow Cap Ale


I’ve reviewed several things from Pyramid I believe and this is their winter seasonal. It is an English Strong Ale at 7%.

This beer went into my lovely Pyramid Hefeweizen glass, which isn’t technically the correct glassware shape for this style, but I like to match breweries. This beer pours a dark maroon color that turns a lighter shade of amber when put to the light.  Foamy beige head as you can see in the picture.

The aroma on this smells an awful lot like one of my homebrews, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing!  It has several notes of heavy malts and dark fruit, with some candied sugar type notes and roasted bread.

The flavor is a little bland for my tastes, with straightforward grains and dark malts and perhaps a lingering hint of bitter dark fruit near the finish.  I was hoping for a touch of spice but I didn’t find any.




Day #329 – Great Divide Anniversary Wood Aged Double IPA

November 26, 2011


Great Divide 17th Anniversary Wood Aged Double IPA

This beer pours a clear orange color with a light ring of white head. This is an imperial IPA at 10%.

The aroma is full of lovely flavors. Woody notes, vanilla, and dark Malts. Some hops as well on the flavor.

Tastes dry and woody. Sweet vanilla flavors with oaky notes and light touches of alcohol. Very tasty and I certainly recommend it.



Day #328 – Clown Shoes Hoppy Feet Black IPA

November 25, 2011

Stopping in at a local bar today, the T&P Tavern and they have a few new things on tap. I tried this one first from Clown Shoes.

Clown Shoes Hoppy Feet Black IPA


Clown Shoes is based out of Ipswich, MA, and is technically brewed at the Ipawich Ales Brewery. They have only very recently come into our market and I have had the opportunity to try their black IPA at a local bar on tap.

This beer pours very dark; dark black with a foamy tan head.

The aroma is chocolate, dark malts and sweet notes. Slightly bitter on the nose as well.

Flavor is dark malts, super bitter dark chocolate and dry flavors. Finishes just as dry and chocolatey.




Day #327 – Samuel Adams Winter Lager

November 24, 2011

Short review today as it’s THANKSGIVING! Cowboys win; heck yeah.

Samuel Adams Winter Lager


This is the winter seasonal from Samuel Adams which is technically a spice beer. it is 5.6%.

This beer pours a dark brown color that edges on red. Red highlights through the light. White type head.

Aroma is grainy for certain with some cinnamon spice and all-spice. Dark malts as well.

The flavor is much the same with spice and dark malts abound. Finishes dry spice that turns ever bready as it warms.




Day #326 – Summit Winter Ale

November 23, 2011

Summit Winter Ale


Got another one here from Summit again today. This is an English Strong Ale at 5.9% and is their winter seasonal ale.

This beer pours a dark brown color that shines brilliant red when put to the light. Foamy tan head.

The aroma is dark malts, sweet caramel with a light sense of winter spices and heavy malts. Very nice aroma, and I am excited to try it.

The flavor is dry and roasted, almost nutty with a sweet flavor that does not last. The flavor also includes a bit of sweet spices but finishes quite dry.




Day #325 – Oskar Blues Old Chub

November 22, 2011

Stopped in at the Ginger Man tonight and picked up an awesome snifter of Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout.


Unfortunately I reviewed that beer earlier in the month, (perhaps last month) so I’ve got to find something else to review today. Luckily it came in the form of a Scotch Ale from Oskar Blues.

Oskar Blues Old Chub


As previously mentioned, this is a scotch ale from Oskar Blues Brewing Company out of Lyons, Colorado. This beer is usually served out of a can however I found it on tap. 8% ABV.

This beer pours a dark reddish brown color that shows ruby highlights when held to the light. Light ring of tan head.

Aroma is light yet malty. Caramel sweetness and some sticky sweet notes.

Flavor is certainly sweet with caramel malts, brown sugar, light oak notes and a touch of alcohol. Finishes light and dry with a bit of lingering sweetness.



EDIT: Had a can in my apartment weeks later.



Day #324 – Victory Storm King Imperial Stout

November 22, 2011

Victory Storm King Imperial Stout


This is a big beer from Victory, and is one of their best sellers. An Imperial Stout at 9.1%, it’ll make your evening, and I am hoping it will make mine. 🙂 It is appropriate that there is a big storm on the way this evening. I will enjoy it all the more.

This beer pours dark black. Very dark black that does not let any light through. The head on this is beige and leaves a ring of head.

The aroma is very roasted, dark malts and grains with a light bitter chocolate and a touch of hops. Almost a bit of coffee on this as well, but it is bitter coffee.

The flavor is dark malts, bitter hops and chocolate. There is a mix between a roasted grain finish and earthy hops near the end. Almost reminds me of a Black IPA. Man this is good stuff though.

