Archive for the ‘Traditional Ale’ Category


Day #274 – Dogfish Head Midas Touch Golden Elixir

October 2, 2011

Got a new Dogfish Head beer up for today, well at least new to my blog.

Dogfish Head Midas Touch Golden Elixir


Dogfish Head started a series several years ago that they called the Ancient Ales. This is a series of beer that is made from ancient recipes found across the world. This beer was created using the reside found on a drinking vessel inside King Midas’ tomb…or so they say. Honestly DFH is crazy enough to go to these lengths so I wouldn’t doubt it. This beer is classified as a Traditional Ale and has an ABV of 9%.

This beer pours a clear orange color with a white fizzy head. Lots of carbonation bubbles are rising to the top.

Aroma is sweet, honey notes, light fruit and grains. This smells sweet and yet has a bit of intensity to it as well.

The flavor is sweet and fruity, with a nice touch of grapes near the finish. Also lots of honey and other grains. Certainly sweet and easy drinking.




Day #101 – New Belgium 1554 Enlightened Black Ale

April 12, 2011

Today is New Belgium Fat Tire day at the Ginger Man. If you recall, every Tuesday they feature a beer and serve it in a special glass. If you buy the beer you keep the glass. Well I wasn’t too thrilled when I saw Fat Tire on the calendar as I reviewed that beer months ago! Well you’ll see in a moment how cool my new glass is, so I decided to drink my Fat Tire and then have them serve another Fat Tire product in my new glass. And lo and behold, it’s a new style!

New Belgium 1554 Enlightened Black Ale


I’m not entirely sure when they added the “Enlightened” part to this name as it didn’t always used to be this. It is brewed by New Belgium out of Fort Collins, CO. Their 1554 is a 5.6% Traditional Ale. A traditional ale is basically a catch-all category that is used to describe ancient recipes that have been lost to the ages. The story behind this particular beer is that New Belgium discovered the original recipe for this in a library and it was a centuries old recipe from Belgium. Apparently the parchment for this was destroyed in a flood in 1997, so the brewmaster had to travel to Belgium to re-discover this recipe. Glad we have it today. I tried this beer one time maybe 4 years ago and I remember really liking it.

On to the beer….

This beer pours a clear, dark ruby red color. Very pretty, almost jewel-like. It also has a huge tan head response which lingers for awhile. Great appearance.

The aroma is faint but it’s still pretty cold at the moment. What I can detect are dark malts, soft chocolate and clay notes.


Flavor is very much a soft flavor of what I can only describe as “chocolate cherry coke”. The upfront flavor is certainly of dark malts and light cocoa, but after the swallow and into the finish there is a moment, however brief when you could swear you were drinking cherry coke. Wow that’s crazy. Medium
Body with a slick mouthfeel. Interesting to say the least…
